Sunday, May 18, 2014


It was December, 2004.  As I sat watching television in the living room of my parent’s house, a commercial came on advertising the free weekend promotion for E-Harmony. I was super lonely and just needed to chat with someone; I said why not try it. That is when my life changed for the better. I took the personality test and was headed to the connections portion of the website. There wasn’t a connection that really caught my eye. I chatted with a few, and met one, but nothing was clicking. It was December 31st when I logged in again and, to my surprise, a beautiful woman from North Carolina was on my connections. I read the biography she submitted to the site and decided, even before any communication with her, that every other connection was a distant second place. I cancelled all other connections and got in touch with her.


The first time we spoke was New Year’s Day, 2005. We seemed to hit it off right away, talking for hours each day. We met on January 29th 2005 in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she was living at the time. I hadn’t flown in years but was very excited to catch a plane to see the person I had spent hundreds of hours on the phone getting to know. She picked me up from the airport and it was love at first sight. We spent the entire weekend touring Raleigh and eating at the coolest places. For the next few months, we talked every day about life and at some point living in the same state. I knew, almost right away, that she was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  I also knew she would be a great mother and would help me raise the kids.


She was not a Mother but had all the great qualities that she obviously inherited from her own Mom. Later that winter, she made the trip to Michigan to meet my kids and the rest of my family. The entire family, including the kids, really liked her too. In early April 2005, the kids and I made the trip to Raleigh so they could see where she lived.


Fast forward to August 1st, 2005, the day we were married. I believe everybody in our families was surprised at the length of our courtship but we knew it was meant to be.  Since we got married, the kids have grown to love her and she loves them. We have been through some very hard times but also some very good times. I wrote this blog just to convey how much I love and cherish my wife, lover, best friend, and mother of our children, Myra Denise Thomas.